Earl Nightingale

“Earl Nightingale (March 12, 1921 – March 25, 1989) was an American radio speaker and author, dealing mostly with the subjects of human character development, motivation, and meaningful existence. He was the voice during the early 1950s of Sky King, the hero of a radio adventure series,

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and was a WGN radio program host from 1950 to 1956.Nightingale was the author of The Strangest Secret, which economist Terry Savage has termed “…one of the great motivational books of all time.” -Wikipedia  “Known as the “Dean of Personal Development,” Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in twelve countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history—from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders—he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living.”

       Read Earl Nightingale’s Author Page on Amazon.

Earl Nightingale Books

Lead the Field

“Hundreds of thousands of business leaders and aspiring professionals have profited from the wisdom and savvy of Lead the Field! Now you can too.

Lead the Field has often been referred to as the “Program of Presidents” because so many top executives and business leaders have incorporated Earl Nightingale’s insight and guidance into their management philosophies.

This landmark book is a practical guide on how to think and act like a success. The timeless stories Nightingale uses to make his points are as profound as they are accessible.

In this classic program, you will learn to:
Double your mental capability
Recognize and easily overcome the biggest stumbling block to high achievement in business and in life.
Dramatically improve your life by changing one simple thing
Enjoy more success with an easy 3-minute-a-day exercise
Assess your potential worth and start increasing it now
You’ll also discover uplifting and insightful information like the importance of forgiveness, how “intelligent objectivity” can improve your professional life, and the usefulness of constructive discontent. As Nightingale will show you, the magic word in life is ATTITUDE. It determines your actions, as well as the actions of others. It tells the world what you expect from it. When you accept responsibility for your attitude, you accept responsibility for your entire life.

Remember, if the grass is greener on the other side…
…it’s probably getting better care. Success in business and life is not a matter of luck or circumstance. It’s not a matter of fate or the breaks you get or who you know. Success is a matter of sticking to a set of commonsense principles that anyone can master.

Now it’s your turn to bring positive changes to your own life—changes that will allow you to lead the field yourself!”

…check out our “Lead The Field” page.

The Strangest Secret

“We become what we think about.”

Six short and simple words.

They are the “strangest secret.”

There are more than six hundred thousand words in the English language.

And yet just six words…six short and simple words explain:

* How one person with identical skills can earn hundreds of thousands and even millions more than another

* How some people shoot to the top of the company while others are fired

* Why some people live happy productive lives while people of identical upbringings and education stumble from failure to failure

* Why some seem to achieve goals almost effortlessly while most can’t seem to get on track

* Why some marriages flourish while others end early

In 1956 Earl Nightingale shared these six words with the world in a recording he called The Strangest Secret. When it was released, it rocked the consciousness of the 1950′s.

His recording, without any advertising or formal marketing, sold over a million albums and became the first (and only) spoken word message to win a Gold Record. It transformed lives and virtually created a new industry — the modern day personal development/self help industry.

In the printed word, as an eBook, the incredible words and wisdom of Earl Nightingale may be even more powerful.

But either way, The Strangest Secret is indeed the single biggest secret to success that mankind has ever discovered.

** Includes a Nightingale bonus book “How To Create Million Dollar Ideas.”


…check out our “The Strangest Secret” page. (coming soon)

Transformational Living: Positivity, Mindset and Persistence

Do you feel like you’re merely surviving each day, doing everything you can just to make it through your daily routine? In Transformational Living, Earl Nightingale will help you go from the modern limbo of “survival” to exuberant living by teaching you the cognitive reframing techniques necessary to approach life with positivity, curiosity, and gratitude. Once you overhaul your mindset by discovering how to remain excited about all your endeavors, you will realize that there is no such thing as an unsurmountable obstacle and no reason to be negative or downtrodden when you encounter what you perceive as failure. You’ll see that your opportunities are often in exact proportion to your problems—you simply have to transform your outlook to identify the conditions for success already present in your life.
This collection contains some of the greatest messages ever delivered on the subject of success psychology. Having spent decades studying what separates high achievers from the rest of the population, Nightingale understood the crucial role that self-actualization plays in an individual’s ability to attain goals, form relationships, build wealth, and find lasting happiness. In this life-changing volume, you’ll learn how to:

  • Harness the power of language to change your outlook;
  • Use visualization techniques to enlarge your self-image;
  • Regain enthusiasm through learning and goal-setting;
  • Overcome two of the most destructive forces in life—fear and worry;
  • Embrace the therapeutic effect of daydreaming and laughter;
  • Make friends and be an impactful leader;
  • And much more.

Return the luster to your life with Transformational Living!”

…check out our “Transformational Living” page. (coming soon)

Earl Nightingale Audio

How to Be Happy Before Success
The Dean of Personal Development

Earl Nightingale Resources

Google Books

The Direct Line
An Official Nightingale Conant Publication
By Earl Nightingale