The Einstein Factor

Win Wenger


The Einstein Factor… the study of this book is being turned into a short essay and a reference for further research.  Notes & Quotes have been started and are in a constant process.  This Essay Section will be continuously updated with new concepts and takeaways.  Please check back or sign up for our Newsletter for updates.

As with most things in life, nothing should be believed until it is proven by practice…

After reading (and listening to) The Einstein Factor by Eckhart Tolle several times, I have a deeper understanding of Being in this World… 

Scroll Down to a deep dive into the book… bullet points to get a feel for the book; come back and review for better retention. 

View our Win Wenger page (coming soon).


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The Einstein Factor: Summary


The Einstein Factor is one of those books that will change the very foundation of how you see things.   Check back, or join the newsletter for updates.

Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)


The Einstein Factor

Research & Brainstorming Below


The Einstein Factor: Questions, Notes & Quotes 

…below are my initial notes while reading the book.  To be totally honest, I have read the book many times and went through again taking notes.  Most books on this site, hopefully, will contain my first reading notes in this section.  I use and will use these bullets as triggers for the rest of my life…  I have put Eckhart Tolle’s words into my own for a deeper understanding for myself.

The Einstein Factor

A Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality & the Practical Application Thereof

I. Are You a Genius?

With over 20 years of research in accelerative learning, the author provides evidence of the subconscious mind being the genius within each of us. The problem all of us have is the “Squelcher” that is constantly limiting our mental capacity.

Perceptions coming from our subconscious must be regulated; this is required to focus our attention on important day to day functions. But we can gain valuable insights and even genius through opening up the “Attention Bottleneck” through a process called Image Streaming.

When playing tennis, you must keep your eye on the ball, but this is not accurate; if you did this, your conscious mind could not act fast enough. Instead, your unconscious mind handles the needed actions.

Imagine that your unconscious mind is a different entity, being, or person within you (a genie in the bottle), having superior perceptions and is responsible for keeping you alive and well. This person has been referred to as your guardian or daemon; the Romans used the term genii (genius).

This “super mind” is far superior to our conscious mind, capable of feats deemed to be supernatural. With possibly full retention of every moment (in full detail) of your life with no limitation from the Squelcher, our conscious minds are limited in its functioning; paying attention and focus limits the flow.

Einstein was seen as not intelligent until he was 26 and published his Special Theory of Relativity (E=MC2).

It was discovered that portions of Einstein’s brain have increased number of glial cells; this glue-like substance holds the neurons and transfers electricity. The glial cells can be increased through mental exercise… and continuous learning.

Einstein believed “you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing your imagination to float freely, unrestrained by conventional inhibitions.” His famous “Ride on a Light Beam” is credited to many of his later discoveries. “What would it be like,” Einstein wondered, “to run beside a light beam, at the speed of light?” Normal adults, according to Einstein, would squelch such a question before it was ever formed in their minds or, having formed it, would quickly forget it. “Invention is not the product of logical thought,” Einstein concluded, “even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.”

“Instead of words or mathematical formulas,” Robert Dilts concluded in his three-volume Strategies of Genius Einstein claimed to think primarily in terms of visual images and feelings….Verbal and mathematical representation of his thoughts came only after the important creative thinking was done.”

Einstein attributed his scientific prowess to what he called a “vague play” with “signs,” “images,” and other elements, both “visual” and “muscular.” “This combinatory play,” Einstein wrote, “seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.” … “These thoughts did not come in any verbal formulation. I very rarely think in words at all.”

• Draw upon subtle insights from outside the conscious realm

A genius is someone that has discovered a way(s) to expand the channel of attention… bringing more perceptions into their conscious. Many of these discoveries can happen at an early age; unknown to the genius (in later life) that these processes are anything but normal.

Imagining a tiny flyspeck on a baseball is an example of a “crucial catalyst” for a baseball player… these catalysts are what need to be discovered; each of us have our own talents and needed tricks to put everything in motion. The author calls this catalyst the “Einstein Factor”.

In this book, discover your unique “Einstein Factor” and reverse the years of negative conditioning. Allow your unconscious mind (your Genie in the bottle) help you along this journey.


2. You Are Always Dreaming

Inventor Elias Howe’s story of how a dream pushed him to invent the sewing machine…

“History abounds with stories like Howe’s. Dreams have inspired rulers, artists, scientists, and inventors since biblical times. But they have their limitations. Dreams are notoriously hard to control. We have not yet learned how to summon them at will…”

What if you could “dream” while awake?  Through Image Streaming and allowing the flow of symbolic images; you can dream on command. 

  • you’re always dreaming… 50% while awake is spent daydreaming; only 8% sleep dreaming
  • 58% of our lives is receptive to the subconscious
  • memories from random triggers
  • The Squelcher controls images from invading
  • Tesla and Shereshevesky were afflicted; both could not control their image streams


  • Leave a notebook and pen by your bed
  • write down your dream memory when waking
  • record with phone? 

You Get More of What You Reinforce 

  • every recording of dream reinforces the ability and process
  • Image Streaming is similar


The procedure of Image Streaming is deceptively simple. You sit back in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, and describe aloud the flow of mental images through your mind. Three factors are absolutely crucial, Three Commandments of Image Streaming:

  • You must describe the images aloud, either to another person or to a tape recorder. Describing them silently will defeat the purpose of the exercise.
  • You must use all five senses in your descriptions. If you see a snow-covered mountain, for example, don’t just describe how it looks. Describe its taste, its texture, its smell, and the sound of wind howling across its peak.
  • Phrase all your descriptions in the present tense.


  • An oracle on demand (Image Streaming)
  • accelerated learning technique

Digging Channels in the Brain

  • raise IQ
  • brain imprints (like riding a bike)
  • memories are stored as patterns of electrical signals firing between cells, not in the cells
  • these patterns are like water channels


  • “the brain is both seeing and moving in REM sleep.”
  • there is a safety switch in the brain stem that triggers paralysis


  • Just as in a dream, the imaginary sights, sounds, and sensations of Image Streaming activate the appropriate brain centers in a near-perfect simulation of reality.
  • Neurologically speaking, an Image Streamer talks, listens, sees, smells, tastes, feels, analyzes, reflects, wonders, creates, and generates mental imagery all at the same time.
  • the quest to achieve balance between the brain’s analytical left hemisphere and its creative, pattern-sensing right hemisphere has become almost a fad.
  • When you practice Image Streaming, every major “pole” of your brain is brought into simultaneous play. This Pole-Bridging effect exercises the same mental muscles that Einstein used to formulate his Theory of Relativity.
  • Virtually any activity that links opposite sides or “poles” of the brain contributes toward the brain’s overall balance. Of all the methods I know, Pole-Bridging seems to activate the largest and most balanced portion of our brain mass, pushing conscious activity to its utmost limit and building powerful networks of Hebbian connections. Image Streaming is only one of many such Pole-Bridging exercises, but it is arguably the most effective.

Balance the Brain

  • The Kolb test determines the degree to which a person relies on four different styles of learning: concrete experience, abstract conceptualization, reflective observation, and active experimentation.
  • Ideally, a person should balance all four styles.
  • Image Streamers, moved uniformly toward an ideal learning style balanced among all four categories.

Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)

3. Open Your Image Stream


Only 30% of the population have trouble creating (seeing) mental images when they close their eyes.  If you are in that 30% you need to learn how to open up that bottle neck (Squelch).


  • Describe 2 Corners of a Room Exercise; one abstract, the other sensory or vivid “color, texture, feel, and sense of position in space”. The sensory description provides an increase in neurological contact; the brain lights up… the more senses used, the wider the base.


  • Disney created Fantasia to share his images seen while listening to classical music; increased neurological contact.
  • Synesthesia is the commingling of the senses; suppressed by the Squelch.
  • Image Streaming / Pole-Bridging; commingling of the senses.


A Synesthetic World

***Geometric Shapes as a child… scared and were suppressed ***

  • Most people Squelch this commingling through the cortex; unconscious is fully synesthetic


Seeing without Seeing

  • “…the unending stream of unconscious perception enriches and stimulates our lives in hidden ways.”
  • Don’t Panic!
  • Image Streaming uses all 5 senses; vision dominates creative process.
  • When Image Streaming include taste, scent, texture…
  • Exercise synesthetic muscles… neural connections
  • build stronger, clearer, and more solid-looking mental images


  • Image Streaming is a self-reinforcing process; your own objective observation gives life to your images


  • Start by describing things out load to another person or recording on your phone
  • After some time, you become comfortable with describing things you see
  • Next, you begin describing those images in your mind (not physically observed)
  • practice after each reading of an exercise
    • “Velvety-Smooth Breathing”
      • smooth with no pause between in and out
      • smooth strokes like a paint brush over you
    • Familiar Image
      • Family members
      • Famous buildings (become familiar with a few)
      • Describe these objects
    • Spontaneous Imagery
      • accept anything
      • stay alert
      • describe immediately, it may be brief
      • enhance, exaggerate, make believe
      • doe this using all 5 senses


  • “I see”… “I’m looking at”…


The Feedback Loop

  • Image Stream is self-reinforcing.
  • Triggers form the image, but verbal description keeps it going
  • The more descriptive the more you get
  • trigger creates… descriptions of image create again and again (loop)
  • present tense intensifies image


  • trial and error
  • this works and this didn’t
  • it will feel right

THE PRINCIPLE OF DESCRIPTION (The root of IS and genius)

  1. observing and describing focuses attention causing increasing perception
  2. describe aloud to an external focus increases “additional discovery” effect
  3. less abstract and explanatory… causes more power


The Beautiful-Scene-Describe-Aloud Technique

The Afterimage Technique

The Old Dream Recall Method

The Story Method

The Fantasia Method

  • Synesthetic response.
  • Density and complexity are key factors.

The Blindfolded Grope

Eating or Smelling Blindfolded

Air Sculpting

The Commuter Special

Tree and Cloud

Beneath the Boat

The Time/Space Method

Live-Partner Feedback

Co-Tripping with a Live Partner



The Panoramic Scan Technique

The Expanding Senses Technique

Freeing Up Your Point of View







4. Amplify Your Feedback


The 1 Percenters


Super Nuns

Use It or Lose It



Creeping and Crawling

The Hand-Eye Circuit



Faraday’s Notebooks




free association works better when it is channeled through a feedback loop. An external focus—whether a person, an audience, a notebook, or a tape recorder—completes the loop, drawing subtle perceptions from a person that would not emerge on their own.


A more sensitive—or perhaps less rebellious—child might have been intimidated for life from asking penetrating questions. For reasons I discuss below, bad feedback is one of the principle blocks to intelligence. Image Streaming offers the most effective way I know to correct and counteract its effects.

The Peanut Gallery Principle


Forget What You “Know”

Strangled Eggs, Please

Set Thinking

Image Streaming seeks to wean the mind from its dependence on set thinking. The more we engage in Image Streaming, the more we reinforce the behavior of relying upon our actual perceptions rather than on our prejudice. We learn to be what I call Original Observers, people who perceive rather than assume.



My study of the work of Swiss biologist Jean Piaget led me unexpectedly to the key. Piaget’s schema of mental development provides a roadmap whereby we can apply Image Streaming to repair past damage with almost surgical accuracy.




Missing Steps

  • adopting concepts abstractly instead of grasping them intuitively.

Hypnotic Regression





Let us now proceed to the technique of amplifying feedback. Our goal, as explained above, is to retrieve and enrich our memories of what Abraham Maslow called “peak learning experiences.” The Image Streaming procedure I use is called Cognitive Structural Enhancement (CSE). Do not attempt it until you have mastered the basics of Image Streaming through several hours of practice.



Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)

5. The "Surprise!" Effect



Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)

6. Interpreting the Images



Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)

7. The Power of Questions



Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)

8. Model Thinking



Check out the book “The Einstein Factor” on Amazon to see all of the formats and take a look inside the book! (click here)