Researching and Synthesizing the Truths of Ancient and Current Knowledge.
The Sources…
General Sources
Think and Grow Rich
Thomas A. Edison, said–
“This is not a novel. It is a textbook on individual achievement that came directly from the experiences of hundreds of America’s most successful men… This philosophy will not take the place of the subjects taught in schools, but it will enable one to organize and apply the knowledge acquired, and convert it into useful service and adequate compensation without waste of time.”
The Master Key System
…explains the correct use of both the receptive and active elements of the mental nature… recognition of opportunity; it strengthens the will and reasoning powers, and teaches the cultivation and best uses of imagination, desire, the emotions and the intuitional faculty. It gives initiative, tenacity of purpose, wisdom of choice, intelligent sympathy and a thorough enjoyment of life on its higher planes.
A New Earth
A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose… discover how your personality and ego can be likened to a prison… transform your inner to create a new earth… make a shift in perception!
Studies in Morals & Dogma
total absorption is the secret; become the music… totality of music. Universe of Sound / Form; … no qualification; eternal experience;
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking
…think differently… there is great value in failures on your path to success… adapt the habit of change/improvement… instead of performing better, perform a different task (eyes open vs closed)
An Introduction to Mental Philosophy: On the Inductive Method
Perception is defined by Merriam-Webster as the “awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation…
Teachers from the Past From the distant and not so distant past... These teachers can bring their knowledge to you Now, through the magic of recorded thought. Below, are several predominate teachers in my life. You can expand each of the teachers to learn a bit...
Kabbalah Sources
Kabbalah and Astrology (Anatomy of Fate)
Our psyche(s) are delicate instruments with many strings; 22 paths between the celestial principles… resonating singular or triads of psychological activity…
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life
an image of Creation; objective principles/connections; the flow of forces; all laws of Existence and their interaction; a model of the relative universe; template of all worlds; a recurring system of order; provides insight/knowledge
A Kabbalistic Universe
A Kabbalistic Universe… for those who wish to know the true nature of themselves and the purpose of the Universe. Acuity, Sensitivity, Lucidity, Clarity, Illumination… discover the hidden wonders…
Kabbalah & Tarot; A Step-Up Guide for Everyone
… three decades of experience and study to make these subjects accessible to everyone. In this book you will discover why you might use Kabbalah and Tarot together not just for spiritual insight but also to receive practical advice from your cards.
The Magician’s Kabbalah: Kabbalah as an Initiatory Path Illustrated by Tarot
…for your own magical and mystical development. This book has been written to provide all students and practitioners an essential guidebook to an authentic path of western spiritual development.